We are considered as the most efficient tyre changing platform in Singapore. Our excellent tyre changers are open 24 hour tyre replacement a day. Currently, our tyre changing services have been well received by many of our customers. Wherever you are, our trained staff will ensure that your tyre problems are solved. At Our Company Ltd, we don’t just go to the customer and change the tyre immediately. We usually take into account the current condition of the tyre. This is where our expert assessments and advice come in. It is always about providing the most efficient service to our customers. If you agree with our recommendations, we are guided by them.
Tyre Replacement Services (Island-wide)
Want to deal with a flat tyre when you are struck on the side of the road? We offer you another service provider.
For our existing customers, we offer an island-wide tyre replacement service. But we also offer the same high-quality service to customers who need us for the first time. Getting in touch with us is simple. Just give us a call and one of our representatives will contact you shortly.Here is a guide to the usual procedure of car tyre replacement in Singapore.
Think about the type of tyre repair your car needs. If you need car tyre repair or car tyre replacement, we can do it all.We will discuss the company you need and the costs involved.Our staff will then review and charge the appropriate fees.
We offer car tyre replacement services
Wherever you are in Singapore, at any time of the day, our experts will take care of your car tyre needs and get the job done efficiently. Support team is always available to offer the best services round the clock.
Business expenses (currency, visa, NETS)
Once the job is completed and you are satisfied, we settle with you. There are several payment options for this, including currency, VISA and NETS.